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Using Luck

Push your Luck

After achieving success in a skill check, players have the option to 'Push your Luck.' This involves expending a Luck Point to roll their Luck Trait, adding the result to their top dice from the skill test. This offers the chance to amplify success, potentially generating one or more Critical Successes. However, it's a gamble – while it can lead to remarkable results, it also consumes the finite resource of Luck Points.

Burn your Luck

When a player fails a die roll, be that a Skill Check, Trait check or Dodge they have the option to use Luck to change the outcome potentially. This term is called “Burn your Luckt” against the Rule of 4, when you burn your luck the player can roll their Luck trait die. If the result is a 4 or higher, they succeed, representing a stroke of dumb luck or a fortunate turn of events.

It's important to remember that players can burn only one Luck point per failed roll, preventing them from relying too heavily on Luck to solve a single problem.